The Best Foods That Boost Metabolism and Burn Stomach Fat

There are a variety of different foods that help to boost metabolism and burn fat and which can help us to achieve our weight loss goals easier.

Firstly we need to understand how our metabolism works. Our metabolism determines how quickly calories are burned in energy by our body, and this dictates how quickly we lose or gain weight. When the cells in our body require energy, the first elements to be broken down are carbohydrates, followed by protein. The carbohydrates are converted to glucose which our body uses for energy and any excess will be stored as fat.

Most of the calories we take in daily, 75% in fact are used up in the maintenance of bodily functions such as the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, and much more. Up to 10% of our calorie intake is used for digestion, and the remainder are burned up with exercise. Our body mass is also key factor as the larger our body mass, the more calories we will need to function efficiently and the more we will burn.

Another important factor is age and gender. As we age, around the age of 40, we lose around 5% of our lean body mass, and this increases every ten years. As men usually have a bigger body mass and more lean muscle mass than women, they normally burn calories much quicker. Hormones and heredity also affect our metabolism.

We have to take in calories in order to burn calories and the best way to give our metabolism a boost is to eat every four to five hours. One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. After fasting during the night our metabolism will have slowed down and in order to kick-start it again we need to eat first thing in the morning and keep fueling our body regularly throughout the day.

Which are the best metabolism boosting and fat burning foods?

Lean meat is the first metabolism boosting food. Our body has to work hard to digest and process protein, which due to the amount of energy required for digestion, boosts our metabolism. The best sources of protein are lean chicken, beef and pork, fish and vegetarian alternatives such as lentils, beans and tofu. If we add protein in some form to each meal we will get an increased metabolism boost.

A second important metabolism boosting and fat burning food is leafy green vegetables. They are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre whilst being low in calories and contain important antioxidants.Although not classed as a food, water is the most important factor in helping to boost metabolism and burn fat.

Water is vital for all our bodily functions including the brain, heart, muscle, kidneys and cell regeneration. Our digestive system, liver and other organs require water in order to assimilate and process nutrients and burn fat. If we do not drink sufficient water, our metabolism will be slow and sluggish and our calorie and fat burning will be equally slow.

How do we calculate how much water we need to drink for maximum fat burning? The easiest way to calculate our daily water intake requirements is to half our current weight, and this will tell us the volume of water in ounces that we should consume each day.

As an example if our weight is 160 pounds, divided in half equates to 80 ounces of water per day. We can easily keep track of how much we have drunk throughout the day if we start the day by refrigerating either four 20 oz bottles of water or measure out a pitcher of water and when it is gone we know we have drunk our daily quantity. We can be flexible in our calculations of the water we drink as we will also be getting a certain amount of water in the food that we eat and other beverages such as tea and coffee that we may drink throughout the day.

These are just a few helpful examples of essential foods which boost metabolism and burn fat. If we employ these in our daily diet we will reap the rewards of burning fat and calories which will help us to achieve our weight loss goals.

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